Michaelmas at Sanderling 2021

Michaelmas is a unique Waldorf educational experience that symbolizes the seasonal change of autumn. It is the time that the colder and darker nights begin.  This is also the perfect time for our students to hear the story of St. Michael, the angelic warrior, who sets out to “slay” the darkness of evil (metaphorically represented by a dragon).  

During Michaelmas, our teachers guide the children in making “Dragon bread” to help bring the concept of the dragon to life.  And, our 2nd graders act out the slaying of the “dragon”, gaining a sense that they can overcome any dark challenges they may face in life.

With Michaelmas and other Waldorf festivals, Sanderling Waldorf helps children to develop socially by weaving such life lessons into the broader community culture. Michaelmas, specifically, helps students to build confidence in their ability to face challenges in life and gives them a sense that they are supported by a community while doing so.  This is especially important today, as we see an ever-pressing need for children to face modern problems with strong hearts and strong minds.  Children today, more than ever, need the ability to rise above life’s challenges knowing that each decision and each problem in life can be faced with courage and a will to persevere.

Jazmin Hayes